
Eternity Fjord – holiday destination of the super-rich

Until a week before our journey, we hadn’t decided if we would sail north or south. In the end, the lure of Evighedsfjord – Eternity Fjord – drew us north. If our nebulous, go-where-the-wind-takes-us summer holiday had a destination, Evighedsfjord filled that fuzzy role, particularly fuzzy because we knew virtually nothing about it. “Beautiful,” “stunning,” …

Glacial slush ice

Glaciers kind of freak me out. They’re beautiful, even awe-inspiring. But also freaky. Huge silent walls of frozen water that sit around doing nothing and then break unexpectedly and frighteningly with a sound like a gunshot. I’ve read too many stories of people who ended up in crevasses, and mostly didn’t get out again, to …