A flaw in the system?

Recently, I wrote about how easy it is to bank with the Bank of Greenland. A recent experience leads me to believe that it might be a bit too easy.

The other day I went to the bank to transfer some money from my Bank of Greenland account to my foreign bank account. It was quite a large amount of money – the equivalent of about three months’ salary. So I figured I would have to be physically present at the bank to make the transfer.

The nice lady behind the counter advised me to fill in a one-page form, on which I wrote my Bank of Greenland account number, my foreign bank account number, and a few other details like the SWIFT code and my name. She stamped the form and that was that. I didn’t show her any identification, I didn’t present my bank card, and she didn’t know me. I think there might be something a bit wrong with that system.

As I left the bank, I wondered how many of my colleagues know our Bank of Greenland business account number – an account that holds millions of dollars.


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